jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

Alejandro Magno

Alejandro Magno, también conocido como Alejandro III de Macedonia nació al 21 de junio del año 356 a.C. y murió el 13 de junio del año 323 a.C. en Babilonia. Un famoso filósofo griego, Aristóteles, fue quien lo educó, por lo que aprendió mucho sobre la cultura griega.

Era hijo del rey Filipo II y pronto fue su sucesor, cuando éste fue asesinado, con 20 años. Sus primeros años de reinado los dedicó a imponer autoridad sobre los pueblos de Macedonia.

 Era conocido porque siempre luchaba en las batallas y nunca perdía, conquistó todo el imperio persa, además de construir 70 nuevas ciudades y expandir la cultura griega por Egipto y Persia.

Cuando murió, de fiebres, su sucesor fue Alejandro IV.

viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Máscara de Tutankamón

The mask of Tutankhamun the Egyptian goldsmiths made ​​around 1354 - 1340 BC It is made of gold, obsidian, turquoise, glass, lapis lazuli, carnelian and quartz. Represents the idealized face of Pharaoh Tutankhamen. It measures 54cm and weighs 11Kg. It is the Egyptian Museum in Cairo but was discovered by archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922 in the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings. The best known piece of Egyptian art is considered.

Zigurat de Ur

A ziggurat is a flat monument consisting of several superposed platforms on which there is a temple. The first were built by Ur-Nammu in 2100 BC The ziggurat of Ur was called Etemenniguru (high terrace house which inspires horror) and was dedicated to the moon god. It had a rectangular floor 62m square and three stories. Had a height of 43m. It was built with sun-dried adobe and an outer layer of baked bricks.


An amphora is a large ceramic pot with two handles and a long narrow neck. They were used to transport food. Reached the highest measure up to 1.5 meters while others had less than 30cm. Most were 45 cm high. Depending on the city in which he was, an amphora was about capacity. In total we have found about 66 types of amphorae. In Greece had a capacity of 26 liters.

Alineamiento de Carnac

The alignment of Carnac is located north of the village with the same name, along the Gulf of Morbihan in Brittany (France). It is the largest prehistoric monument in the world and can be seen from space. Is 8 km long and 40 hectares. In the beginning of its construction were over 10,000 menhirs, now there are only about 3,000. The lowest measured 90 inches, while the highest measure up to 7 meters.

Acueducto de Segovia

The Aqueduct of Segovia is a Roman aqueduct (Y is in Segovia). It was built between the last half of the first century and early second century. The core component of the aqueduct 44 arches on which are 119  smaller arches. Its highest point is 30 meters, in the Plaza del Azoguejo. It is built with granite blocks. He had a bronze inscription was located in the attic of the water and put the time in which it was built.

jueves, 8 de mayo de 2014

Problema con Ecuaciones de Primer Grado

Hola, este es un vídeo que he hecho sobre cómo resolver un
problema de Matemáticas con una ecuación de primer grado.
Lo he hecho con Moovly y espero que te/os guste.